ࡱ>     bjbj΀ 4 /!/!!!!!!!!&#!ݍsJsJsJsJsJKKK6!KKKKK/!/!sJsJ;PPPK/!8sJ!sJPKPP2ԃg!sJpb-!4Oh.l0ݍϒOϒ\ϒ!KKPKKKKKPKKKݍKKKKϒKKKKKKKKK :  Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Program Review Name and Signature of Chair: _____________________ Dr. Tom Coates Date of Report: ___30 June 2010____________________ 2. Five-Year Departmental Enrollment and Faculty Data Statistical Overview The following is the annual average of undergraduate and graduate data supplied by Institutional Research for the academic years 2004-2005 through 2008-2009. It only reflects data for CIP 31.9999, Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies, and does not reflect numbers for departmental majors in P-12 Physical Education. Additional notes have been added to reflect departmental data where appropriate. 1. Number of Unduplicated Majors: 165.40 (Institutional Research data indicated there were 226 majors in the department in 2008-2009. December 2009 departmental data indicated there were 269 undergraduate majors in the department which included students majoring in P-12 Physical Education.) 2. Number of Degrees Conferred: Undergraduate 25.4 Graduate 10.80 3. Majors/Degrees Conferred Ratio: Undergraduate 6.88 Graduate 3.17 4. Student Credit Hours: Undergraduate 4,710.75 Graduate 409.50 5. Average Class Size: Undergraduate 19.16 Graduate 5.62 6. Number of Faculty (fall semester): 13.80 7. FTE Student/FTE Faculty Ratio (as per U. S. News definition): 15.25 8. Credit Hours/FTE Faculty: 527.36 Qualitative Interpretation of Data Certain factors specific to the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation will influence the qualitative interpretation of data in this five year report. First, students majoring in undergraduate programs of study supported by this department fall into two distinct categories, teaching and non-teaching. The undergraduate teaching majors are enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Education while the non-teaching majors are enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree program. In addition, the department enrolls graduate students in the Master of Arts in Health Promotion and Human Performance and the Master of Arts in Education. Data reflected in Institutional Research reports classify students in the department according to CIP 31.9999, Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies, and therefore only includes non-teaching majors. The teaching majors are grouped with secondary education majors and are not distinguished from other majors and therefore not identifiable for purposed of analysis. The same is apparently true for graduate students in the department. Second, the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation is in the process of major curricular revisions of both its undergraduate and graduate programs. The old concept of PE is no longer applicable in todays job market. In order to remain relevant in todays market place, similar academic departments have had to adjust and update their program offerings to meet changing career demands. These changes have resulted in new majors, concentrations, and academic courses specific to new career fields. Current curricular revisions underway in the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation reflect an attempt to position the academic unit to address this changing job market and to adequately prepare students to meet the challenges they will face. As a result of the implementation of these revisions, data reflecting courses and course enrollment as well as number of majors may not appear in a succinct manner. Another factor impacting departmental course enrollment and credit hour productivity data is persistent enrollment of non-majors in academic courses offered by the department. Though there is no general education requirement that students at the complete a course or courses in physical education as a requirement for graduation, it is a common practice. Students from the general university population regularly enroll in departmental courses for a variety of reasons. These students boost course enrollments and credit hour productivity in excess of what it would be if the department served only majors. While the additional credit hour production and full course sections can be viewed as a positive, it also places increased demands on limited departmental resources and increases departmental necessity to rely on adjunct faculty to offer additional course sections and courses of special interest. To date there has been no attempt to track the number of non-majors enrolled in departmental courses or calculate the rate of credit hour productivity these enrollments represent. Finally, the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation has experienced program expansion over the past twenty plus years without the addition of any new faculty positions. In several cases, the department has been required to postpone filling a vacant faculty positions for a year or more. This situation has resulted in the department offering an excessive number of combination 400/500 level courses in order to support its graduate programs and a reliance on adjunct faculty to conduct key major courses within the various departmental curricula. While the department has been effective in maintaining the academic integrity of its programs, the maintenance of departmental credit hour productivity hinges on use of adjunct faculty. All full-time departmental faculty members have teaching and student advising responsibilities within the department as well as other committee assignments within the department, college, and university. In addition, they are also expected to be productive in professional service and research/creative activities. Adjunct faculty members have no additional responsibilities beyond teaching courses for which they have been contracted. This has resulted in an increased level of responsibility for departmental support falling to the full-time faculty. Regarding department expenditures and budget allocations, the current budget for the department is $775,591.00. The breakdown of the department budget is as follows: Faculty Salaries70.6%Staff Salary3.4%Benefits21.3%Expenses2%Work Study.7%Telephone.25%Stipends1.8% The current departmental budget is adequate to support the academic offerings; however, consideration needs to be given to creation of additional faculty lines in P-12 pedagogy, sport management and recreation as a way of reducing demands for adjunct faculty. In addition, consideration needs to be given to increasing the departmental budget to allow for the creation of graduate assistant (GA) positions. Such GA positions would increase the marketability of the departmental graduate programs as well as providing incentives to support recruitment efforts. In addition to the departmental budget, the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation is also responsible for administering two other budgets; one for the Human Performance Laboratory and one for the Wellness Center. The budget for the Human Performance Laboratory for the 2009-2010 academic year is $2,872 plus an additional amount of $2,671 roll-over. This amount has been adequate to support expenses associated with operation of the laboratory in years past and should be adequate for at least the next few years. The budget for the Wellness Center for the 2009-2010 academic year is $2,871. This amount is not adequate to support the Wellness Center and has not been adequate in the past. The equipment in the Wellness Center requires regular maintenance and repairs and as it increases in age, replacement. To date the department has been able to provide occasional equipment maintenance and repairs but has not had sufficient funds to replace aging equipment. At this time most of the equipment in the Wellness Center is in need of replacement. 3. Assess the Department as it Relates to Students Enrollment The number of full-time and part-time unduplicated majors in the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation has shown a steady increase since 2006-2007 when the number was 129. In 2007-2008 that number increased to 221 and to 226 in 2008-2009. FTE student level reached its highest level of 176.33 in the 2007-2008 academic year followed by a slight decrease to 166 in 2008-2009. This decline in FTE can be attributed to a shift from full-time to part-time status of some majors within the department. The number of full-time and part-time graduate students also reached its highest level of 41 in the 2007-2008 academic year. This number declined to 32 in the 2008-2009 academic year but still remained close to the average for the five year reporting period. Undergraduate student credit hour productivity in the department reached its highest point of 4,922 credit hours during the 2005-2006 academic year while graduate student credit hour productivity peaked at 480 credit hours in 2006-2007. Since that time both undergraduate and graduate credit hour productivity in the department has declined slightly. Average undergraduate and graduate class size reached its highest point of 20.9 and 8.6 respectively in 2008-2009. Degree Productivity The number of undergraduate and graduate degrees conferred reached its highest level of 41 and 17 respectively in the 2007-2008 academic year. The number of conferred degrees declined slightly in 2008-2009 but still exceeded the annual average for the five year reporting period. Student Services Students majoring in concentrations offered as part of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreations non-teaching degree program are encouraged to participate with faculty in research projects and publication of research results. During the 2009-2010 academic year three refereed articles were published at the state level and two at the national/international level. Departmental majors were also involved in three presentations at state conferences. In addition to professional experiences associated with research, publications, and professional presentations, departmental majors are also involved in internships as a program of study requirement. With the revision of the departments non-teaching undergraduate program, all majors in the Exercise Science, Fitness Management, and Health Promotion concentrations are now required to complete a six semester hour internship while those in the Recreation and Sport Management concentrations are required to complete a twelve semester hour internship. The six semester internship requires a minimum of 200 documented field experience hours and the twelve semester hour internship requires a minimum of 400 documented field experience hours. Students are also encourages to attend professional workshops and conferences as a way of enhancing their professional development. These workshops and conferences occur at the local, state, district, and national levels. Examples of workshops and conferences attended during the five year reporting period include both the fall and spring ASAHPERD State Conventions, SDAHPERD Conventions, AAHPERD National Conventions, and ACSM Conventions. Outcome information (including student performance on Licensure/certification exams, job placement of graduates, student, alumni and employer surveys) Students enrolled in the P-12 Physical Education program of study are required to take the Praxis Physical Education Content Knowledge Exam. Since the 2006-2007 reporting period, majors in the P-12 Physical Education program have consistently scored higher than the state-wide average percent of correct answers in the content knowledge categories with the exception of two categories in 2007-2008 (see tables below). When compared with national averages in the same categories, program majors have consistently scored slightly below, equal to, or slightly above the national averages in the five content categories (see tables below). 2006-2007 Test CategoriesInstitutional Average % CorrectState-Wide Average % CorrectNational Average % CorrectI. Content knowledge and student growth and development63%58%63%II. Management, motivation, and communication70%67%72%III. Collaboration, reflection, and student assessment80%69%73%IV. Biomechanics62%61%65%V. Health and safety69%67%70% 2007-2008 Test CategoriesInstitutional Average % CorrectState-Wide Average % CorrectNational Average % CorrectI. Fundamental movements, motor development, and motor learning59%58%63%II. Movement forms68%66%71%III. Fitness and exercise science70%68%72%IV. Social science foundations64%62%65%V. Biomechanics56%58%63%VI.. Health and safety68%69%71% 2008-2009 Test CategoriesInstitutional Average % CorrectState-Wide Average % CorrectNational Average % CorrectI. Content knowledge and student growth and development63%58%63%II. Management, motivation, and communication70%67%72%III. Planning, instruction, and student assessment80%69%73%IV. Collaboration, reflection, and technology68%65%66%V. Biomechanics62%61%65%VI. Health and safety69%67%70%Students majoring in the non-teaching program are required to take a departmental exit exam for the major before graduation. During the time period of this report, 98.8% of the students taking this departmental exam passed with only 1.2% failing on the first attempt (see table below). Since the non-teaching program curriculum recently underwent a major revision, this departmental exit exam is due for revision in fall 2010. However, instead of an exit exam the department faculty is planning to move to a portfolio attached to the required internship experience to replace the current exit exam. Work to begin implementation of this new culmination assessment will begin in fall 2010 with planned implementation in spring 2011. SEMESTERPASSFAILFall 04122Spring 05100Summer 0520Fall 05 40Spring 0690Summer 06 70Fall 0690Spring 07120Summer 0670Fall 06 90Spring 07120Summer 0710Fall 07140Spring 08200Summer 0880Fall 08150Spring 09130Summer 0930TOTAL1672PERCENT98.8%1.2%Beginning in fall 2009, the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation began the process of requiring all majors to purchase LiveText for use in departmental courses required for their major. This process began in fall 2009 with courses at the 200 level and continued in spring 2010 with courses at the 300 level and will be completed for undergraduate courses at the 400 level in fall 2010. Consideration is now being given to implementation of a similar requirement for graduate students in the department enrolled in 500 and 600 level courses (400/500 combination courses will be covered in fall 2010). Once fully implemented, LiveText data will be available for analysis across all components of the department curriculum. Students currently majoring in the P-12 Physical Education program are already involved in various course projects requiring LiveText and the data from these courses is available to the department for analysis. Majors enrolled in the non-teaching program are required to complete an internship following completion of all academic course work. The department is now in the process of revising the process for internship assignment and assessment with intent of moving the reporting process to LiveText. This move will not only allow all reporting to be done electronically but will also provide a procedure for data collection relative to student performance during the internship. All students majoring in academic programs offered by the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation are required to complete an internship following completion of all courses required for the major. For those students majoring in the P-12 Physical Education program of study, the internship takes place in both elementary and secondary school settings. The internship is monitored and evaluated by both the supervising classroom teacher and a clinical supervisor from the College of Education. Students majoring in the non-teaching program of study are assigned to an appropriate internship by the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, are required to complete a series of internship related assignments, and are monitored and evaluated by a field practitioner and a departmental internship supervisor. The length of the internship is 200 or 400 documented field experience hours, depending on the program concentration. As a result of both teacher education and non-teaching internships the students are provided with opportunities to apply classroom theory to practical work situations while networking with professionals in the field. This combination of practical experience and professional contact lays the groundwork for successful entry into todays job market. 4. Assess the Department as it Relates to Faculty Teaching Productivity and Activities Designed to Enhance Teaching and the Curriculum There are eight full-time faculty members and eight adjunct faculty members in the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. One full-time faculty member serves as Department Chair, one receives release time to serve as Director of the Human Performance Laboratory, one receives release time to serve as Aquatics Director, and five serve as coordinators of the five concentrations in the non-teaching degree program. All full-time faculty members have departmental teaching responsibilities in addition to other assignments within the department, college, and university. In December 2009 the department identified 269 students majoring collectively in the teaching and non-teaching degrees. These majors are divided among the full-time department faculty members for advisement purposes. As the number of majors has increased, the ability of the full-time faculty members to effectively handle student advisement has been stretched. The addition of new faculty lines in the department budget would not only allow the department to reduce dependence on adjunct faculty but would also address stress associated with student advisement in the department. Departmental faculty has expertise in a variety of areas associated with the health, physical education, exercise science, recreation, and sport management disciplines. Course scheduling efforts are made to utilize faculty as instructors in their areas of expertise. Several departmental faculty members have over twenty years experience in the department here at the . Three faculty members have less than five years experience here at the university and a fourth new faculty member will be joining the departmental faculty in August 2010. The current department chair has twelve years experience as a department chair and additional experience as coordinator of other academic components of college and university departments. Another faculty member has extensive health experience in the public sector, two others have extensive experience in athletic training both at the university and public school levels, one has considerable experience in exercise physiology in the clinical setting, and another has extensive aquatic experience both as an instructor and in pool operations. Currently three faculty and one adjunct faculty member are certificated and authorized as American Red Cross in First Aid, CPR, and/or Swimming and Lifeguarding Instructors. Two faculty members recently received certification and authorization as American Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid Instructors. One faculty member is a Certified Health Education Specialist. All full-time departmental faculty members serve on various college and university committees. The faculty is also known to work effectively with faculty and staff from other units of the university and regularly collaborate with others on professional projects. In 2009 an Advisory Committee was formulated and possible committee members identified. It is expected that this committee will be activated in the 2010-2011 academic year and will serve as a review group for future curriculum revisions as well as for sources of internship placement and student recruitment. Research Productivity Research productivity within the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation has been inconsistent over the years. Some members of the departmental faculty have reached tenure and maximum level of academic rank and lack the motivation to actively seek research, publication, and presentation opportunities. The lack of any type of merit pay or other incentive structure at the university contributes to this situation. Younger faculty and those who have not achieved tenure or reached their maximum academic rank are still reasonably productive in research and creative endeavors and represent the university, college, and department at the state, district and national levels. Within the last three years, departmental faculty members have become more active in seeking grants and other sources of funding to support departmental initiatives. An example of this increased grant activity included a $2,000 grant submitted to Vacu-Med of Ventura California for validation of a new device to detect ventilatory threshold. In April 2009 the department received a Cooperative Agreement with the National Park Service (NPS) for service projects linked to educational experiences supported through specific courses offered by the department. The first service project under this NPS Cooperative Agreement was completed in summer 2010 with Natchez Trace National Parkway in Tupelo, Mississippi. Service (including service to public schools) Full-time departmental faculty members are active in a variety of professional service initiatives. At the college and university levels departmental faculty members serve on standing college committees as well as standing university committees. Departmental faculty members have also been active on special committees associated with NCATE and SACS accreditation and have chaired some of these committees. At the state level, members of the departmental faculty serve and have served as officers in the Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Departmental faculty members also serve or have served in the Southern District of the Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance as Division Vice-Presidents and at the national level with the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance as Vice-President of the Council of Adventure/Outdoor Education and Recreation. Full-time departmental faculty members are also active in local schools presenting class lectures and workshop presentations. In fall 2009, the department sponsored a National Archery in the Schools workshop for students, local school teachers, and college/university instructors to promote archery as a physical education activity. Department faculty members have also sponsored district meetings for the Alabama Park and Recreation Association on the campus of the university. The departments Aquatic Director regularly works with Florence Parks and recreation to host state Master Games swimming events in Flowers Hall Pool and the Florence Swim team for fall, winter and spring swim practice sessions. At this time the department is in discussion with the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Marine Police Division relative to development of a paddle sports instructional program to be made available public schools in the state. Faculty Development Plans Full-time faculty members of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation annually submit a development plan to the department chair as part of the annual review process. The content of these faculty development plans varies depending on the need of the individual faculty member to achieve or work toward tenure or academic promotion. For those faculty members actively seeking tenure and/or promotion, the development plans reflect intended progress toward objectives in teaching, service, and research deemed appropriate to achieve promotional goals. For those faculty members who have tenure and have reached their maximum academic rank, the development plans reflect sustained professional activity of a maintenance nature. In spring 2010 an ad hoc committee of tenured and tenure track department faculty members were charged with developing guidelines for promotion and tenure decisions within the department. These guidelines are to address issues of teaching, service, and research/creative professional activities and will be sent on to the Dean of the College of Education and Vice-President of Academic Affairs/Provost for approval. Once approved, these guidelines will be incorporated into a revised departmental faculty development plan so each faculty members annual plan will reflect progress toward tenure and/or promotion. For those faculty members who have already achieved tenure and maximum academic rank, content of the development plan and achievement of professional activities identified as part of these plans will be used to support recommendations for merit pay or other incentive initiatives should they become available. 5. Assess the Department as it Relates to Facilities and Resources Library Collier Library holdings and support from library person are adequate to support the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation in attaining its program goals. During the present review cycle adequate library allocations have been provided to the department which have allowed for continue upgrade of library holdings both in bound documents and audio-video materials. In addition, the department has developed and maintains a small departmental library consisting of bound documents, professional journals, and selected trade journals supportive of its academic programs. The department also strives to maintain a positive working relationship with the professional library staff. This interaction has resulted in productive cooperation and response to support requests. For example, the department recently added a new course, HPE 466, Legal Issues and Risk Management, which included assignments requiring access to specific legal case briefs. When contacted requesting support for this course the library staff immediately responded by offering to provide instruction for students enrolled in this course on available legal source materials in the library as well as how to access Lexus Nexus. Laboratories The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation maintains two computer laboratories for student use. One laboratory consists of five computers, a printer, and a scanner and is housed in the department conference room. These computer are available on a first come, first serve basis for students. Four old computers in this area were replaced with new computers in 2008. A second computer laboratory consisting of four computers and four printers is housed in the Human Performance Laboratory and is available for students to use in support of assigned exercise science projects. The department also maintains the universitys Human Performance Laboratory. In 2009 renovations were made in this laboratory and new pieces of exercise testing equipment were added. Additional pieces of exercise testing equipment will be added in 2010 to support educational units within certain departmental courses and the research interest of members of the departmental faculty. In the near future an environmental chamber will need to be added to the Human Performance Laboratory to support new research agenda. Swimming Pool The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the university swimming pool located in Flowers Hall. One member of the departmental faculty receives release time to administer pool operations including lifeguard hiring, training and scheduling, equipment selection and maintenance, scheduling pool use by both on-campus and off-campus groups, and supervision of pool maintenance. While the water in the pool is of the highest quality, the pool physical facility is in need of major repairs. Apparently no scheduled maintenance has occurred in the pool area in recent years. Metal components are rusting, paint is peeling, plaster is cracking, and ceiling tiles are missing. Proper functioning of the ventilation system has been a persistent problem for at least the past two years. Because of high humidity, mold has formed on the walls, doors, and floor. The potential health hazard of this mold is unknown. An overall assessment of the pool area dictates attention to deferred maintenance problems for the health and safety of faculty, staff, students, and outside users of the facility. Equipment All departmental faculty members and the department secretary have personnel computers, printers, and telephones with their own extensions. The department secretary has a scanner available for use to support the faculty. Voice mail through the university voice mail system is available to all faculty members. A copier, fax machine, shredder, and Scantron grading machine are also available for faculty use in the department. Additional equipment available to the departmental faculty includes laptop computers, digital camera, and video equipment. The faculty has access to Tegrity in one classroom in Flowers Hall. All five classrooms in Flowers Hall are now equipped with computers, overhead projectors, and computer access to the internet for enhanced instruction. Two classrooms are smart; one classroom is equipped with a smart board and the other equipped with Sympodiem. The Human Performance Laboratory was renovated in summer 2009 with the addition of a privacy room for subject prepping and testing of a sensitive nature. In addition, new exercise science testing equipment was purchased to expand the potential educational and research capacity of the laboratory. Current equipment available in the laboratory include weight and height scales, bicycle ergometers, hand ergometer, treadmill, metabolic cart, Polaris heart rate monitors, skin fold calipers, chatteling scale, stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs, lactate analyzer, and EKG monitor. A special system has also been developed that will allow information from the metabolic cart to be projected onto a larger screen for instructional purposes. Additional tables and chairs are also available, and they will allow the laboratory area to be converted into a temporary classroom. A wide variety of physical education activity equipment needed for instruction in several sports is maintained by the department. This equipment included materials needed for instruction in tennis, golf, badminton, self-defense and karate, volleyball, basketball, and swimming. Additional equipment is maintained by the department to support instruction in a variety of age appropriate activities at the elementary and secondary levels. Audio equipment and a sound system is provided for use in aerobic dance courses. Various anatomical models and skeletons are available for use in exercise science and health related courses. The department also has a wide variety of outdoor equipment to support the outdoor education course. This equipment included cooking equipment, Dutch ovens, stoves, tents, sleeping bags, ground pads, coolers, maps, compasses, GPS units, canoes, paddles, personal flotation devises, climbing ropes, and assorted climbing gear. The department also has a canoe trailer and a box trailer to transport the outdoor equipment for field experiences. Equipment and supplies needed to support first aid and CPR courses offered by the department are also available. This equipment includes adult, child, and infant manikins, training AEDs, and splinting materials. Additional first aid and rescue equipment is maintained in the pool area and include backboards with straps, rescue tubes, and reaching poles. This equipment is used for instructional purposes as well as aquatic safety and rescue. Space The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation is housed in Flowers Hall. Completed in 1972, Flowers Hall was adequate at the time to support departmental, athletic, and campus recreation needs. However, as program needs have changed, space availability has become an increasing concern in the facility. Campus recreation has moved to the new Student Recreation Center and shifted their activities programs away from Flowers Hall. The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation and the Athletic Department program still occupy Flowers Hall and as each program has expanded, space availability, both shared and specific, has been an issue. Over the years considerable space has been lost by the academic department as the athletic program has expanded. This space includes dressing rooms, storage space, classrooms, and teaching stations. At this time there is inadequate storage space for departmental equipment and supplies and office space for full-time and adjunct faculty. In 2009, an indoor archery range was completed on the fourth level of Flowers Hall but because of problems retracting a section of bleachers on that level, the range is unusable most of the time. Plans are in place to convert part of a classroom into faculty office space during summer 2010. At this time space in Flowers Hall is barely adequate to support this academic unit. Immediate consideration needs to be given to additional office space in the facility for faculty and the creation of adequate storage space for equipment and supplies used to support the academic program. In the near future, additional space will be needed to support exercise science research initiatives in the Human Performance Laboratory. Support Personnel The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation has a full-time professional secretary who is very knowledgeable relative to daily operation of the department. This staff person is responsible for office management for the department including serving as a receptionist, directing inquires from students, other faculty and staff on campus, and outside persons, managing departmental files and records, preparing reports and departmental correspondence as needed, maintaining a record of all student advisees for tracking purposes, ordering, storing, and inventorying departmental supplies and materials, maintaining the operating integrity of office machines, developing and updating departmental course offerings and academic schedule, preparing materials for undergraduate exit exams and graduate comprehensive exams, and completing other duties as required by the department chair. Training is provided for the departmental secretary in the use of Banner and other computer software systems used at the university. In addition to the departmental secretary, the department employs five student workers during the semester. One student worker is assigned to the department office and works under the supervision of the departmental secretary. Two student workers are assigned to the Human Performance Laboratory and work under the supervision of the Human Performance Laboratory Director. Two additional student workers are hired as lifeguards and are assigned to lifeguard during aquatic classes and work under the supervision of the Pool Director. In addition to the departmental secretary and work study students, the department also has access to staff from other units of the university to support its academic mission. These additional supports include staff from the Office of Institutional Research, Office of Academic Affairs and Provost, Office of Admissions, Athletic Department, Computer and Telecommunications Services, Enrollment Management and Registrar, Student Affairs, and Student Recreation Center. 6. List Notable Achievements by the Department Departmental Achievements The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation has several noteworthy achievements to its credit during this reporting period including the following: Revision of the undergraduate curriculum has been completed and implemented beginning in fall 2009. This revision has moved the undergraduate curriculum toward a more appropriate curriculum to meet todays job market in health, physical education and recreation related careers. With the revised undergraduate curriculum, a series of new departmental courses have been developed and are in the process of being offered for the first time. These new courses fall primarily into the exercise science, recreation, and sport management disciplines and reflect current professional thought on curriculum design. Revisions of the graduate programs offered by the department are currently underway with an expected state approval date of fall 2010. These revisions will change the current Master of Arts in Health promotion and Human Performance to a Master of Science in Health and Human Performance, reduce the program from thirty-three semester hours to thirty semester hours, and offer a thesis and non-thesis option. These changes will streamline the degree program and expand educational opportunities by offering the thesis option. The department continues to expand its service and involvement with local schools and other public agencies. Swim classes are annually offered to students at Kilby School and the swimming pool in Flowers Hall is regularly made available to groups from outside the university. The department has worked with the Florence Park and recreation Department to sponsor the Alabama Masters Games and to host Alabama Park and Recreation Association meetings on campus. Faculty members from the department regularly make presentations at local schools and workshops for physical educators in the northern part of the state. Departmental faculty members have become more active in professional organizations both through election to association offices and professional presentations. These professional presentations have occurred at the state, district, national and international levels. Both undergraduate and graduate student research has increased resulting in presentations and publications at the state level. Recent renovations in the Human Performance Laboratory have resulted in a research and teaching facility comparable to those found in much larger universities. These renovations will not only increase research potential but also provide an enhanced teaching station for students enrolled in the exercise science concentration. The department chair received the Julian W. Smith Award for significant achievement in outdoor education from the Council of Adventure and Outdoor Education/Recreation in 2010. Student Achievements Students from the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation have demonstrated a high level of achievement on exams required for teacher certification and the departmental exit exam required for students in the non-teaching major (see report section entitled Outcome Information). Recent graduates of the departments undergraduate program have also been accepted to graduate programs and some recent graduates of the departments graduate program have been accepted to doctoral programs. Grants and Other Funds Generated by the Department Two recent grants and other funding generated by departmental faculty include the following: Dr. Matt Green, $2,000 grant from Vacu-Med of Ventura California for validation of a new device to detect ventilatory threshold. Dr. Tom Coates and Dr. Mike Hall, Cooperative Agreement with the National Park Service (NPS) for service projects linked to educational experiences supported through specific courses offered by the department. Other Awards and Distinctions The following are recent awards and distinctions received by faculty members of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation: Dr. Tom Coates, the Julian W. Smith Award for significant achievement in outdoor education, presented by the American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation. Dr. Lee Renfroe, Certified Health Education Specialist, presented by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. Dr. Mike Hall, Dr. Lee Renfroe, Mr. Johnny Long, American Red Cross Instructors in First Aid and CPR. Dr. Mike Hall and Dr. Tom Coates, American Red Cross Instructors in Lifequarding and Swimming. Dr. Tom Coates and Dr. Mike Hall, American Red Cross Instructors in Wilderness and Remote First Aid. Dr. Mike Hall, Dr. Matt Green, and Dr. Tom Coates, National Archery in the Schools, Basic Archery Instructor. Dr. Mike Hall, National Recreation and Park Association, Certified Aquatic Facility Operator. Dr. Mike Hall, World Tang Soo Do Association Instructor. Dr. Walter Teaff and Mr. Johnny Long, Alabama Athletic Trainer Certified. 7. How the Department has Responded to Previous Program Review Recommendations A review of departmental files has produced no reports of previous programs reviews. However, the department continually seeks input from students relative to the nature of their experiences in the department and the department in turn responds to this student input by making program adjustments. As part of the exit process for students completing their program of study in the department, they are asked to complete a series of questionnaires which will provide feedback on program effectiveness. One questionnaire asks students to evaluate their experiences in required major courses and offer recommendations for improvement in the undergraduate program. Another questionnaire asks students to evaluate their experience in HPE 270, Practical Experience. A third questionnaire asks students to evaluate their experiences during student teaching and internships. A final questionnaire asks students to evaluate their experiences in laboratory units of required courses. In all cases, students are given an opportunity to offer recommendations in addition to completing the questionnaires. A similar program evaluation questionnaire is provided for graduate students. Since the undergraduate curriculum has been revised and required courses for the non-teaching major have changed, the questionnaires for the undergraduate program will require revision for fall 2010. The same will apply to the graduate programs once approved revisions go into effect in fall 2010. 8. State the Vision and Plans for the Future of the Department Vision Statement The vision for the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation is to become a recognized leader at the state, regional, and national levels in preparing component professional leaders in the academic disciplines represented by the departments curricular components. Recent curriculum revisions have placed the department on a track to realize this vision and it is the intention of additionally proposed departmental changes to continue advancement toward achievement of this vision. But realization of this vision cannot be accomplished without the allocation of necessary university resources. The department is fast reaching the limit of potential program expansion and student service based on current resources and consideration must be given to providing additional personnel and facility space if continued growth is to be achieved. In Five Years The desired position of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation with the structure of the within the next five years included the following: Reduction of dependence on adjunct faculty to offered academic courses as required for timely sequencing of required major courses through approval of additional full-time faculty positions. Creation of graduate assistant positions within the department to facilitate graduate student recruitment and expansion of research initiatives. Acquisition of designated departmental space to allow for additional faculty offices, storage, teaching stations, and expansion of the Human Performance Laboratory. Increased enrollment if both the departmental undergraduate and graduate programs. Expanded departmental service course component of the departmental curriculum to serve the special interest needs of the general student population. This would include development of a series of lifetime recreational activity courses which could be offered in a compressed time fashion and in conjunction with Campus Recreation and Continuing Studies. Increased departmental revenue through grants and contracts, and expansion of the departmental faculty research agenda. Dividing of the current non-teaching undergraduate degree program into two majors; Health and Physical Education, and Sport and Recreation Management. Full implementation of the new Master of Science in Health and Human Performance and continued expansion of this graduate program to include additional concentrations in Exercise Science and Sport Management. Accreditation of curricular components for which accreditation is available. Increased interaction and collaboration with local schools and other relative organizations through faculty and student involvement. Expansion of the departmental internship program throughout the region. Development of a national and international study program to facilitate student understanding of and engagement in issues of national and global significant. While some of these activities can be achieved with present departmental resources, the majority will require additional allocation of university funds. The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation has been in a semi-stagnant state for several years, surviving but not growing or producing at a level reflective of its potential. Recent changes have begun to move the process of moving the department forward and toward its full potential. But the same level of university support received in the past will not be sufficient to sustain this momentum therefore curtailing the rate of future growth and the realization of the vision presented above. 9. Program Overview Brief Overview of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation endeavors to prepare students at the undergraduate level to assume entry level positions in careers associated with physical education teaching, exercise science, health promotion, fitness management, recreation and sport management. At the graduate levels the department endeavors to prepare students to assume professional leadership positions in physical education teaching, exercise science and health promotion. Recent revisions in both curricula have resulted in new courses and updated educational content to insure adequate student preparation reflective of knowledge expected in todays job market. Other initiatives within the department increasingly link appropriate learning opportunities with not only teaching but also with research and service. Mission Statement The mission of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation at the is to enhance the quality of life for the general citizenry through the promotion of active and healthy lifestyles and to facilitate mastery of knowledge and development of attitudes, behaviors and skills reflecting expertise in the field. With this preparation, graduates will be prepared to assume leadership roles associated with development, implementation and administration of programs in physical education, exercise science, fitness, health, recreation, and sport management. In addition, graduates will have the foundation necessary to successfully pursue advanced training, certifications and academic degrees. Goals and Objectives of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Each academic year the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation develops a set of strategic goals in terms of priority initiatives/action items which guide actions of the department for that year. These priority initiatives/action items are linked and reflect the departments endeavors to support with university strategic goal. At the end of the academic year the department reviews its priority initiatives/action items and evaluates progress toward achieving them. This becomes the basis for establishing departmental priority initiatives/action items for the next academic year. Assessment or Program Goals, Objectives, and Student Learning Outcomes Departmental program goals are evaluated annually and results are used to establish new goals for the next academic year. Student learning outcomes were established for the non-teaching major in spring 2009 and are listed below. These learning outcomes are limited since they only apply to the major and not to specific concentrations under the major. The method of learning outcomes assessment are listed with each objective however, revision of the assessment process may be needed as the department moves away from exit exams and toward development of a portfolio as part of the required internship experience in the near future. Assessment of learning outcomes for P-12 Physical Education majors are evaluated based on standardized tests required for teacher education students and student portfolios. These assessments are handled through other departments in the College of Education. Assessment of graduate student learning outcomes are limited to the Master of Arts in Health Promotion and Human Performance and are reflected in student performance on required comprehensive examinations. This assessment process is also under review and will be revised as the graduate program moves toward a thesis and non-thesis option and as the procedure for administering comprehensive examinations is revised beginning in fall 2010. Departmental Student Learning Outcomes Bachelor of Science: Non-Teaching, Physical Education Students majoring in the BS, Non-teaching in Physical Education will demonstrate an understanding of health and fitness concepts essential for healthy living. LiveText database Exit exams Students majoring in the BS, Non-teaching in Physical Education will demonstrate an understanding of significant historical events and philosophical ideas that have shaped the profession. LiveText database Exit exams Students majoring in the BS, Non-teaching in Physical Education will demonstrate an understanding of basic legal concepts and issues germane to the profession. LiveText database Exit exams Students majoring in the BS, Non-teaching in Physical Education will demonstrate mastery of content prescribed for a selected concentration required for this major. LiveText database Exit exams Master of Arts: Health Promotion and Human Performance Students majoring in the MA, Health Promotion and Human Performance will demonstrate an understanding of graduate level research methods specific to the health and human performance fields of study. Comprehensive examination Students majoring in the MA, Health Promotion and Human Performance will demonstrate mastery of graduate level understanding of exercise physiology principles. Comprehensive examination Students majoring in the MA, Health Promotion and Human Performance will demonstrate mastery of graduate level understanding of health promotion principles. Comprehensive examination Governance The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation has an established governance and administrative structure which ensures its authority and responsibility relative to decision making and operation as an academic unit of the . The Department Chair is appointed by and reports to the Dean of the College of Education and serves a renewable four year term. All full-time departmental faculty members share equally in policy decisions while departmental graduate faculty share equally in policy decisions relative to the graduate program. Regular departmental meeting are held during which time issues impacting the department are discussed and voted on with majority vote determining departmental position. Additionally, members of the departmental faculty are actively involved in governance across the university through membership on various college and university committees. University policy applies to curricular issues within the department and the departmental faculty meets, discusses, and votes on all curriculum related items before they are forwarded from the department to the appropriate committees at the college and university levels. Departmental faculty also reviews the course scheduling sequence and semester course schedules. The department has its own budget and also administers budgets for the Wellness Center and Human Performance Laboratory which are under the operational control of the department. These budgets specify faculty and staff salaries and benefits, supplies, travel, telephone postage and other miscellaneous expenditures. Expenditure of funds associated with office operations is controlled by the department secretary with approval by the Department Chair. Request for expenditure of funds for support of the academic program in the department are make by faculty members to the Department Chair for approval. Funds for travel are allotted to each full-time faculty member at the beginning of the fiscal year and all requests for expenditure of these funds are make to the Department Chair for approval. If additional travel funds are available near the end of the fiscal years, additional travel funds may be allotted to individual faculty members on a first come basis. Decisions relative to tenure and promotion of departmental faculty is conducted according to university policy. Only tenured departmental faculty members are allowed to be present during discussions of faculty portfolios submitted for tenure and/or promotion consideration and are the only faculty allowed to vote on tenure and/or promotion decisions. The decision of the tenured faculty in the department relative to tenure and/or promotion of a fellow faculty member is then forwarded to the department chair for consideration before being forwarded to the Dean of the College of Education. Admissions Requirements, Procedures, and Policies Admission criteria for the are published in the University Catalog. The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation has no additional criteria for admission to the non-teaching degree program, however admission to the Teacher Education Program, which includes P-12 Physical Education, has additional admission requirements as stipulated in the University Catalog. Students may change their majors by completion of a request for change of major form which will be processed by the department and a departmental academic advisor assigned to the student. Admission criteria for the graduate program are published in the Graduate Catalog. Specific criteria for admission to the Master of Arts in Education and the Master of Arts in Health Promotion and Human Performance are provided in the College of Education section of the Graduate Catalog. These criteria constitute all requirements, procedures, and policies relative to admission to the graduate programs of study in the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Degree Requirements Each semester, students majoring in programs offered by the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation are required to meet with their academic advisor for advisement and course scheduling. The department has a clearly structured system for assigning majors to departmental advisors well versed in course requirements relative to the different academic program offerings. Faculty advisors have access to student transcripts through Banner and can monitor academic progress each semester. The department has also developed specific check sheets for each academic major concentration which are available to both students and faculty. These check sheets include a complete list of courses required for completion of the degree program and also a suggested four year sequence of courses and general information on possible careers linked to these majors and concentrations. With the student transcript and appropriate check sheet, accurate advisement can be accomplished on an ongoing basis. In addition to the P-12 Physical education major and the non-teaching major with its five concentrations, the department also offers eight minor programs of study; Exercise Science, Fitness Management, Health, Health Promotion, Coaching and Officiating, Community Recreation, Outdoor Recreation, and Sport Management. These minors are based on required courses in the corresponding major/concentrations and have been designed to allow a student in a minor to move to the corresponding major/concentration without lost of course credit. Check sheets have been developed for each of these minors to facilitate ease of student advisement. Copies of departmental major and minor check sheets are provided on the following pages. _____ PHYSICAL THERAPY Candidate See NOTE below HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation NAME:___________________________________ 301 Flowers Hall Student ID #:______________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for CONCENTRATION:_Exercise Science___________ teacher certification. ACHE APPROVED June 2009 CATALOG YEAR:____________________________ I: WRITTEN COMPOSITION Hrs Gr Sem MAJOR CORE Hrs Gr Sem EN 111 1st year Composition I 3 HPE 466 Legal Iss & Risk Mang 3 En 112 1st year Composition II 3 HPE 498 Internship 6 AREA II: HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS CONCENTRATION HPE 235 Medical Terminology 1 Com 201 Fundamentals of Speech 3 HPE 352 Kinesiology 3 En 231 Literature of West World 3 HPE 353W Physiology of Exer 3 En 232 Literature of West World 3 HPE 360 Intro to Fitness Test 3 H/FA 3 HPE 378 Athletic Training 3 AREA III: NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATH HPE 402 Exercise Rx/Healthy 3 HPE 403 Essentials Rx Resist Train 3 #MA 3 HPE 404 Exer Rx/Chronic/Disab 3 *BI 101 OR BI 111 4 HPE 405 Exercise Leadership 3 *BI 102 OR BI 112 4 HPE 430 Behavior Mod Interv 3 AREA IV: HISTORY, SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES HPE 443 Management of HPEA 3 HPE 450 Motor Learning 3 **HI 101 OR 201 3 HPE 451 Tests and Mea in HPE 3 **HI 102 OR 202 3 HPE 494 Exer Rx/Moderate Risk 3 ***Soc/Beh Sc OR SO 221 3 HPE 495 Prin ECG&CardioPul Asm 3 ***Soc /Beh Sc OR PY 201 3 HPE 496 CardioPul Rehabilitation 3 AREA V: ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS SUPPORTING COURSES BI 241 Human A&P I 4 HPE 102 Weight Training 1 BI242 Human A&P II 4 HPE 105 Walk/Jog/Run 1 SO/PY 300/400 Advisor approved 3 HPE 130 OR 131 Swimming 1 HPE 140 Aerobic Dance 1 TOTAL 66 HPE 175 Essent/Healthy Living 3 HPE 213 Foundations of Health 3 GRAND TOTAL 130 HPE 221 OR SRM 222 3 HPE225Nutrition and Human Perf 3 HPE 233 First Aid 3 HPE270 Practical Experience in PE 1 CIS 125 Busin Apps of Micro Soft 3 TOTAL 64 # MA 115, Pre-calculus Algebra and Trigonometry may be required for further graduate studies. * BI 101 OR BI 111 and BI 102 OR BI 112 are prerequisites for BI 241, Human Anatomy and Physiology I and BI 242, Human Anatomy and Physiology II. Students considering graduate studies in PHYSICAL THERAPY should take BI 111 and BI 112. **Students completing HI 101 must take HI 102. Students completing HI 201 must take HI 202. *** SO 221, Introductory Sociology, and PY 201, General Psychology, are strongly recommended to fulfill the Social/Behavioral Sciences requirements. NOTE: Students considering graduate studies in PHYSICAL THERAPY should also add the following courses to their program of study: general chemistry with lab, general physic with lab, and six (6) hours of psychology. Some clinical experience in physical therapy may also be required as a prerequisite for admission. Refer to specific program requirements before applying.  EXERCISE SCIENCE SUGGESTED FOUR YEAR SCHEDULE 1ST S 1ST SEMESTER (FALL) 2nd SEMESTER (SPRING) 1st SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs EN 111 3 EN 112 3 HI 101 OR 201 (US) 3 HI 102 OR 202 3 BI 111 (Princ) 4 BI 112 (Princ) 4 HPE 221 3 HPE 213 3 HPE 175 3 MA 112 3 HPE 102 OR 105 1 HPE 102 OR 105 1 TOTAL 17 17 3rd 3RD SEMESTER (FALL) 4th SEMESTER (SPRING) 2nd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs EN 231 3 EN 232 3 HPE 270 1 COM 201 3 Humanity/Fine Arts 3 BI 242 4 HPE 225 3 HPE 235 1 BI 241 4 HPE 360 3 SO 221 3 PY 201 3 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 17 5 5th SEMESTER (FALL) 6th SEMESTER (SPRING) 3rd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs HPE 353W 3 HPE 402 3 HPE 405 Ex Leader 3 HPE 233 3 HPE 403 3 HPE 130/131 OR 140 1 HPE 130/131 OR 140 1 HPE 352 3 HPE 466 (Legal) 3 HPE 451 (T & M) 3 HPE 443 3 CIS 125 3 HPE 404 3 TOTAL 16 TOTAL 16 TOTAL 3 7th 7th SEMESTER (FALL) 8th SEMESTER (SPRING) 4th SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs HPE 378 3 HPE 498 Internship 6 HPE 430 3 HPE 496 3 HPE 450 3 SO/PY 300/400 3 HPE 494 3 HPE 495 3 TOTAL 12 TOTAL 15 TOTAL PROGRAM 130  HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation NAME:___________________________________ 301 Flowers Hall Student ID #:______________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher CONCENTRATION:_Fitness Management_______ certification. ACHE APPROVED June 2009 CATALOG YEAR:___________________________ AREA I: WRITTEN COMPOSITION Hrs Gr Sem MAJOR CORE Hrs Gr Sem EN 111 1st year Composition I 3 HPE 466 Legal Iss & Risk Mang 3 En 112 1st year Composition II 3 HPE 498 Internship 6 AREA II: HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS CONCENTRATION HPE 352 Kinesiology 3 Com 201 Fundamentals of Speech 3 HPE 353W Physiology of Exer 3 En 231 Literature of West World 3 HPE 378 Athletic Training 3 En 232 Literature of West World 3 HPE402 Exercise Rx/Healthy 3 H/FA 3 HPE 405 Exercise Leadership 3 AREA III: NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATH HPE 408 Consumer Health 3 HPE 410 Health Promotion 3 MA 3 HPE 424 Drugs in Am Society 3 *BI 101 OR BI 111 Prin of Biology 4 HPE 430 Behavior Mod Interv 3 *BI 102 OR BI 112 Prin of Biology 4 HPE 443 Management of HPEA 3 AREA IV: HISTORY, SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES HPE 450 Motor Learning 3 HPE451 Tests and Mea in HPE 3 **HI 101 OR 201 3 HPE494Exer RX/Moderate Risk 3 **HI 102 OR 202 3 SUPPORTING COURSES ***Soc/Beh Sc OR SO 221 3 BI 241 Human A&P I 4 ***Soc /Beh Sc OR PY201 3 BI 242 Human A&P II 4 AREA V: ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS SO 403 Gerontology 3 HPE 102 Weight Training 1 MG 330 Prin of Management 3 HPE 105 Walk/Jog/Run 1 MK 360 Marketing 3 HPE 130 OR 131 Swimming 1 MG391 Entrepreneurship 3 HPE 140 Aerobic Dance 1 HPE 175 Essent/Healthy Living 3 TOTAL 68 HPE 213 Foundations of Health 3 HPE 221 OR SRM 222 3 GRAND TOTAL 132 HPE225Nutrition and Human Perf 3 HPE 233 First Aid 3 HPE270 Practical Experience in PE 1 CIS 125 Busin Apps of Micro Soft 3 TOTAL 64 * BI 101 OR BI 111and BI 102 OR BI 112 are prerequisites for BI 241, Human Anatomy and Physiology I and BI 242, Human Anatomy and Physiology II. ** Students completing HI 101 must take HI 102. Students completing HI 201 must take HI 202. ** *SO 221, Introductory Sociology, and PY 201, General Psychology, are strongly recommended to fulfill the Social/Behavioral Sciences requirements.  FITNESS MANAGEMENT SUGGESTED FOUR YEAR SCHEDULE 1ST S 1st SEMESTER (FALL) 2nd SEMESTER (SPRING) 1st SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs EN 111 3 EN 112 3 HI 101 OR 201 3 HI 102 OR 202 3 BI 101 OR 111 4 BI 102 OR 112 4 Soc/Beh Sc 3 Soc/Beh Sc 3 HPE 175 3 HPE 213 3 HPE 102 OR HPE 105 1 HPE 102 OR HPE 105 1 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 17 3rd 3rd SEMESTER (FALL) 4th SEMESTER (SPRING) 2nd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs BI 241 4 BI 242 4 COM 201 3 CIS 125 3 EN 231 3 EN 232 3 HPE 221 3 Hum/Fine Arts 3 HPE 225 3 MA 3 HPE 270 1 HPE 140 1 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 17 5th 5th SEMESTER (FALL) 6th SEMESTER (SPRING) 3rd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs HPE 130 OR 131 1 HPE 353W 3 HPE 405 3 HPE 233 3 HPE 378 3 HPE 352 3 HPE 402 3 HPE 430 3 HPE 408 3 HPE 450 3 MG 391 3 SO 403 3 TOTAL 16 TOTAL 15 TOTAL 3 7th 7th SEMESTER (FALL) 8th SEMESTER (SPRING) 4th SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs HPE 410 3 HPE 443 3 HPE 424 3 HPE 466 3 HPE 451 3 HPE 498 6 HPE 494 3 MG 330 3 MK 360 3 TOTAL 12 TOTAL 18 TOTAL 132  HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation NAME:___________________________________ 301 Flowers Hall Student ID #:______________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher CONCENTRATION:_Health Promotion__________ certification. ACHE APPROVED June 2009 CATALOG YEAR:___________________________ AREA I: WRITTEN COMPOSITION Hrs Gr Sem MAJOR CORE Hrs Gr Sem EN 111 1st year Composition I 3 HPE 466 Legal Iss & Risk Mang 3 EN 112 1st year Composition II 3 HPE 498 Internship 6 AREA II: HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS CONCENTRATION HPE 350 App Nutrition/Lifespan 3 COM 201 Fundamentals of Speech 3 HPE 351 Chr Diseases/Hea Prom 3 EN 231 Literature of West World 3 HPE 352 Kinesiology 3 EN 232 Literature of West World 3 HPE353W Physiology of Exer 3 H/FA 3 HPE 402 Exercise Rx/Healthy 3 AREA III: NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATH HPE 406 Human Sexuality 3 HPE 408 Consumer Health 3 MA 3 HPE 410 Health Promotion 3 *BI 101 OR BI 111 4 HPE 420 Health and Aging 3 *BI 102 OR BI 112 4 HPE 422 Public Health 3 AREA IV: HISTORY, SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES HPE 424 Drugs in Am Society 3 HPE 430 Behavior Mod Interv 3 **HI 101 OR 201 3 HPE 443 Management of HPEA 3 **HI 102 OR 202 3 HPE 451 Tests and Mea in HPE 3 ***Soc/Beh Sc OR SO 221 3 HPE 494 Exer Rx/Moderate Risk 3 *** Soc/Beh Sc OR PY 201 3 SUPPORT COURSES AREA V: ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS BI 241 Human A&P I 4 BI 242 Human A&P II 4 HPE 102 Weight Training 1 COM 210 Bus & Prof Speech 3 HPE 105 Walk/Jog/Run 1 COM 410 Desktop Pub in Com 3 HPE 130 OR 131 Swimming 1 HPE 140 Aerobic Dance 1 TOTAL 68 HPE 175 Essent/Healthy Living 3 HPE 213 Foundations of Health 3 GRAND TOTAL 132 HPE 221 OR SRM 222 3 HPE 225 Nutrition and Hum Perf 3 HPE 233 First Aid 3 HPE 270Practical Experience in PE 1 CIS 125 Busin Apps of Micro Soft 3 TOTAL 64 * BI 101 OR BI 111 and BI 102 OR BI 112 are prerequisites for BI 241, Human Anatomy and Physiology I and BI 242, Human Anatomy and Physiology II. **Students completing HI 101 must take HI 102. Students completing HI 201 must take HI 202. *** SO 221, Introductory Sociology, and PY 201, General Psychology, are strongly recommended to fulfill the Social/Behavioral Sciences requirements.  HEALTH PROMOTION SUGGESTED FOUR YEAR SCHEDULE 1ST SEMESTER (FALL) 2nd SEMESTER (SPRING) 1st SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs BI 101 OR 111 4 BI 102 OR 112 4 EN 111 Composition I 3 EN 112 Composition II 3 HI 101 OR 201 3 HI 102 OR 202 3 H/FA 3 MA 3 Soc/Beh Sc/PY 201 3 Soc/Beh Sc/SO 221 3 HPE 102 Weight Train 1 HPE 105 Walk/Jog/Run 1 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 17 3rd SEMESTER (FALL) 4th SEMESTER (SPRING) 2nd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs BI 241 Human A&P I 4 BI 242 Human A&P II 4 EN 231 Lit of Wes Wor I 3 EN 232 Lit of Wes Wor II 3 COM 201 Speech 3 CIS 125 BusApps MicSof 3 HPE 175 Es/HealthyLiv 3 HPE 213 Found of Health 3 HPE 221 Intro to HPE 3 HPE 233 First Aid 3 HPE 130 OR 131 1 HPE 270 Prac Exp in HPE 1 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 17 5th SEMESTER (FALL) 6th SEMESTER (SPRING) 3rd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs COM210 Bus&Prof Sph 3 HPE 406 Human Sexuality 3 HPE 225 Nutr & Hum Perf 3 HPE 410 Health Promo 3 HPE 351 Chr Disea/HP 3 HPE 350 App Nutr/Lifesp 3 HPE 352 Kinesiology 3 HPE 402 Exer Rx/Healthy 3 HPE 353W Phys of Exer 3 HPE 424 Drugs in Am So 3 HPE 140 Aerobic Dance 1 COM 410 Desk Pub in Cm 3 TOTAL 16 TOTAL 18 7th SEMESTER (FALL) 8th SEMESTER (SPRING) 4th SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs HPE 408 Consum Health 3 HPE 451 Tests & Measure 3 HPE 466 Legal Iss & Risk 3 HPE 494 Exer Rx/Mod Ris 3 HPE 420 Health & Aging 3 HPE 498 Internship 6 HPE 422 Public Health 3 HPE 430 Beh Mod Interv 3 HPE 443 Man of HPEA 3 TOTAL 18 TOTAL 12 TOTAL 132  HEALTH, P HEALTH PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation NAME: NAME :________________________________ 301 Flowers Hall Student I Student ID #:___________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher certification. CONC CONCENTRATION:_Recreation______________ Additional undergraduate courses may be required for admission to graduate programs. CATALOG YEAR: _________________________ ACHE APPROVED June 2009 AREA I: WRITTEN COMPOSITION Hrs Gr Sem MAJOR CORE Hrs Gr Sem EN 111 1st year Composition I 3 HPE 466 Legal Iss & Risk Mang 3 En 112 1st year Composition II 3 HPE 498 Internship 6 AREA II: HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS CONCENTRATION SRM 305 Mkt Sport & Rec Act 3 Com 201 Fundamentals of Speech 3 SRM 310 Sp Fac & Event Mgt 3 En 231 Literature of West World 3 SRM 341 Rec Programs & Lead 3 En 232 Literature of West World 3 SRM 410 Man of Sp & Rec Org 3 H/FA 3 SRM 441 Outdoor Education 3 AREA III: NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATH SRM 444 Rec for Special Pop 3 SRM 480 Rec Leadership 3 MA 3 SRM 498 Internship 6 #NS OR BI 101 OR BI 111 4 HPE 424 Drugs in Am Society 3 #NS OR BI 102 OR BI 112 4 SO 320 Soc of Lei & Rec 3 AREA IV: HISTORY, SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES COM 410 Desktop Pub in Com 3 Choose one of the following emphases: *HI 101 OR 201 3 Coaching & Officiating Emphasis *HI 102 OR 202 3 HPE 275 Officiating Sports 3 **Soc/Beh Sc OR SO 221 3 #HPE 352 Kinesiology 3 **Soc /Beh Sc OR PY 201 3 HPE 370 Theory & Prob/Coach 3 AREA V: ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS HPE 371 Coaching Practicum 3 HPE 378 Ath Training & Cond 3 HPE 102 Weight Training 1 HPE 421 Psy of Coaching 3 HPE 105 Walk/Jog/Run 1 HPE 450 Motor Learning 3 HPE 130 OR 131 Swimming 1 Community Recreation Emphasis HPE 140 Aerobic Dance 1 HPE 300 Methods of PE 6-12 3 HPE 175 Essent/Healthy Living 3 SRM 335 Inter of Cul & Nat Res 3 HPE 213 Foundations of Health 3 SRM 340 Com Rec & Tourism 3 HPE 221 OR SRM 222 3 COM 230 Introduction to PR 3 HPE225Nutrition and Human Perf 3 MK 360 Marketing 3 HPE 233 First Aid 3 SO 403 Gerontology 3 HPE 270Practical Experience in PE 1 1-3 hours from HPE or SRM 1-3 CIS 125 Busin Apps of Micro Soft 3 Outdoor Recreation Emphasis SRM 250 Wilder First Respond 3 TOTAL 64 SRM 330 Camp Leadership 3 SRM 335 Inter of Cul & Nat Res 3 SRM 345 Natural Res Manage 3 SRM 450 OR SRM 451 3 GE 225 Maps & Map Interpretation 3 MS 111 Fund Concepts of Leadership 1 MS 112 Basic Leadership 1 TOTAL 64-66 GRAND TOTAL 128-130 #HPE 352, Kinesiology, has a prerequisite of BI 241, Human Anatomy and Physiology I, or BI 242, Human Anatomy and Physiology II. BI 101 OR BI 111 is a P prerequisite for BI 241. BI 241 is a prerequisite for BI 242. *Students completing HI 101 must take HI 102. Students completing HI 201 must take HI 202. **SO **SOC 221, Introduction to Sociology, and PY 201, General Psychology, are strongly recommended to fulfill the Social/Behavioral Science requirements.RECREATION CONCENTRATION SUGGESTED FOUR YEAR SCHEDULE 1ST SEMESTER (FALL) 2nd SEMESTER (SPRING) 1st SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs EN 111 Composition I 3 EN 112 Composition II 3 MA 3 CIS 125 3 HI 101 OR 201 3 HI 102 OR 202 3 Nat Sc 4 Nat Sc 4 Soc/Beh Sc 3 Soc/Beh Sc 3 HPE 102 OR HPE 105 1 HPE 102 OR HPE 105 1 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 17 3rd SEMESTER (FALL) 4th SEMESTER (SPRING) 2nd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs SRM 222 Intro to Sp & Rec 3 SRM 341 Rec Program 3 EN 231 Literature 3 EN 232 Literature 3 Hum/Fine Art 3 COM 201 Speech 3 HPE 175 3 HPE 213 3 HPE 225 3 HPE 233 3 HPE 270 1 Emphasis Course 3 HPE 140 1 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 18 5th SEMESTER (FALL) 6th SEMESTER (SPRING) 3rd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs SRM 441 Outdoor Educ 3 SRM 480 Rec Leader 3 SRM 444 Rec/Sp Pop 3 SRM 305 Market Sp & Rec 3 SRM 310 Fac/Event Mg 3 HPE 424 Drugs in Am Soc 3 SO 320 Soc of Lei&Rec 3 Emphasis Course 3 Emphasis Course 3 Emphasis Course 3 Emphasis Course 3 HPE 130 OR 131 1 TOTAL 16 TOTAL 15 TOTAL 3 7th SEMESTER (FALL) 8th SEMESTER (SPRING) 4th SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs HPE 466 Legal 3 HPE 498 Internship 6 SRM 410 Man/Sp&Rec 3 SRM 498 Internship 6 COM 410 Desktop Pub 3 Emphasis Course 3 Emphasis Course 3 TOTAL 15 TOTAL 12 TOTAL PROGRAM 128-130  HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation NAME:___________________________________ 301 Flowers Hall Student ID #:______________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher certification. CONCENTRATION:_Sport Management________ ACHE APPROVED June 2009 CATALOG YEAR:___________________________ AREA I: WRITTEN COMPOSITION Hrs Gr Sem MAJOR CORE Hrs Gr Sem EN 111 1st year Composition I 3 HPE 466 Legal Issues & Risk Man 3 EN 112 1st year Composition II 3 HPE 498 Internship 6 AREA II: HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS CONCENTRATION SRM 230 Sociology of Sport 3 COM 201 Fundamentals of Speech 3 SRM 240 Economics of Sport 3 EN 231 Literature of West World 3 SRM 300 Sport Finance 3 EN 232 Literature of West World 3 SRM 305 Mkt Sport & Rec Act 3 H/FA 3 SRM 310 Sp Fac & Event Mgt 3 AREA III: NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATH SRM 315 Governance in Sport 3 SRM 320 Sport Communications 3 MA 3 SRM 410 Mgt of Sp & Rec Org 3 Nat Sc 4 SRM 420 Seminar in Sport Mgt 3 Nat Sc 4 SRM 498 Internship 6 AREA IV: HISTORY, SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES HPE 370 Theory & Pract/Coach 3 HPE 421 Psy of Coaching 3 *HI 101 OR 201 3 COM 410 Desktop Pub in Com 3 *HI 102 OR 202 3 Choose one of the following emphases: **Soc/Beh OR SO 221 3 Communication Emphasis **Soc/Beh OR PY 201 3 COM 200 Voice and Diction 3 AREA V: ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS COM 220 Basic Reporting 3 COM 230 Introduction to PR 3 HPE 102 Weight Training 1 COM 241 Intro to R Pro & Perf 3 HPE 105 Walk/Jog/Run 1 COM 242 Intro to TV Pro & Perf 3 HPE 130 OR 131 Swimming 1 Management Emphasis HPE 140 Aerobic Dance 1 MG 330 Prin of Management 3 HPE 175 Essent/Healthy Living 3 MG 331 Organ Behavior 3 HPE 213 Foundations of Health 3 MG 335 Leadership 3 HPE 221 OR SRM 222 3 MG 362 HR Management 3 HPE225Nutrition and Human Perf 3 MG 391 Entrepreneurship 3 HPE 233 First Aid 3 Marketing Emphasis HPE 270Practical Experience in PE 1 MK 360 Marketing 3 CIS 125 Busin Apps of Micro Soft 3 MK 363 Integrated Mk Com 3 MK 395 Entrepreneurial Mark 3 TOTAL 64 MK 461 Sales and Sale Manage 3 MK 476 Consum & Mark Behav 3 TOTAL 66 GRAND TOTAL 130 *Students completing HI 101 must take HI 102. Student completing HI 201 must take HI 202. **SO 221, Introduction to Sociology, and PY 201, General Psychology, are strongly recommended to fulfill this general education requirement.  SPORT MANAGEMENT CONCENTRATION SUGGESTED FOUR YEAR SCHEDULE 1ST SEMESTER (FALL) 2nd SEMESTER (SPRING) 1st SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs EN 111 Composition I 3 EN 112 Composition II 3 MA 3 CIS 125 3 HI 101 OR 201 3 HI 102 OR 202 3 Nat Sc 4 Nat Sc 4 Soc/Beh Sc 3 Soc/Beh Sc 3 HPE 102 OR HPE 105 1 HPE 102 OR HPE 105 1 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 17 3rd SEMESTER (FALL) 4th SEMESTER (SPRING) 2nd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs SRM 222 Intro to Sp & Rec 3 SRM 230 3 EN 231 Literature 3 EN 232 Literature 3 Hum/Fine Art 3 COM 201 Speech 3 HPE 175 3 HPE 213 3 HPE 225 3 HPE 233 3 HPE 270 1 Emphasis Course 3 HPE 140 1 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 18 5th SEMESTER (FALL) 6th SEMESTER (SPRING) 3rd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs HPE 370 Theory/Coach 3 HPE 421 Psy of Coach 3 SRM 240 Econ of Sport 3 SRM 300 Sp Finance 3 SRM 305 Market Sp & Rec 3 SRM 310 Fac/Evt Mg 3 SRM 315 Sp Governance 3 SRM 320 Sp Commun 3 Emphasis Course 3 Emphasis Course 3 HPE 130 OR 131 1 Emphasis Course 3 TOTAL 16 TOTAL 18 7th SEMESTER (FALL) 8th SEMESTER (SPRING) 4th SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs SRM 420 Seminar 3 HPE 498 Internship 6 HPE 466 Legal 3 SRM 498 Internship 6 SRM 410 Man/Sp&Rec Org 3 COM 410 Desktop Pub 3 Emphasis Course 3 TOTAL 15 TOTAL 12 TOTAL PROGRAM 130  HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation NAME:___________________________________ 301 Flowers Hall Student ID #:______________________________ NOTE: This program of study leads to eligibility for teacher certification in CONCENTRATION:_Physical Education P-12___ the state of Alabama CATALOG YEAR:__________________________ REVISED SPRING 2010 AREA I: WRITTEN COMPOSITION Hrs Gr Sem PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Hrs Gr Sem EN 111 OR 121 1st year Composition I 3 HPE304 PE for Elementary Sch 3 EN 112 OR 122 1st year Composition II 3 EEX 340 Intro/Disability Stu 3 AREA II: HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS #ED 292 Preprofessional Sem 1 #ED 331 H & P of Am Education 3 COM 201 Fundamentals of Speech 3 t ED 333W Educ Psychology 3 EN 231 OR 231 Literature of West World 3 # t ED 381 Educ Technology 3 EN 232 OR 234 Literature of West World 3 t ED 382 Prin of HS Education 3 *H/FA OR Spanish 3 t ED401 Eval of Teach & Learn 3 AREA III: NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATH ED 478 Teaching Reading 1 t ED 480W M&M of HS Teach 3 MA 3 ED 484 Multilevel Internship 12 **BI 101 OR BI 111 4 PHYSICAL EDUCATION P-12 **BI 102 OR BI 112 4 HPE 102 Weight Training 1 AREA IV: HISTORY, SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES HPE 105 Walk/Jog/Run 1 HPE 130 OR 131 Swimming 1 ***HI 101 OR 201 3 HPE 140 Aerobic Dance 1 ***HI 102 OR 202 3 HPE 175 Essent/Healthy Living 3 ED 299 Human Growth & Develop 3 HPE 213 Foundations of Health 3 Soc /Beh Sc 3 HPE 216 Individual/Dual Sp 3 AREA V: ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS HPE 221 Intro to HPEA 3 HPE 226 Team Sports 3 BI 241 Human A & P I 4 HPE 233 First Aid 3 BI 242 Human A & P II 4 HPE 275 Officiating Sports 3 HPE 300 Methods of PE 6-12 3 15 hours in the Teaching Field may count toward meeting this area requirement, but may count only ONCE toward total hours on degree. HPE 352 Kinesiology 3 HPE 353W Physiology of Ex 3 HPE 378 Ath Training & Cond 3 HPE 401 Adapted PE 3 HPE 443 Management of HPEA 3 HPE 450 Motor Learning 3 SRM 441 Outdoor Education 3 TOTAL 64 TOTAL 72 GRAND TOTAL 136 *Spanish 101, 102, 201, or 202 is strongly recommended to fulfill this general education requirement. If Spanish has not been taken in high school, a Spanish language equivalent will be required. **BI 101 OR BI 111 and BI 102 OR BI 112 are prerequisites for BI 241, Human A&P I, and 242, Human A&P II. ***Students completing HI 101 must take HI 102. Students completing HI 201 must take HI 202.. #May be taken prior to formal admission to teacher education. t ED 381 and ED 333 are prerequisites for ED 382 and ED 401. ED 382 is a prerequisite to ED 480.  P-12 TEACHER EDUCATION SUGGESTED FOUR YEAR SCHEDULE 1ST SEMESTER (FALL) 2nd SEMESTER (SPRING) 1st SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs BI 101 OR 111 4 BI 102 OR 112 4 EN 111 Composition I 3 EN 112 Composition II 3 HI 101 OR 201 3 HI 102 OR 202 3 Soc/Beh Sc 3 HPE 175 Esst/Hea Liv 3 HPE 213 Found of Hea 3 MA 3 HPE 102 Weight Train 1 HPE 105 Walk/Jog/Run 1 HPE 140 Aerobic Dance 1 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 18 3rd SEMESTER (FALL) 4th SEMESTER (SPRING) 2nd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs BI 241 Human A&P I 4 BI 242 Human A&P II 4 EN 231 Literature 3 EN 232 Literature 3 Hum/Fine Arts (Spanish) 3 ED 299 Human G & Dev 3 Com 201 Speech 3 HPE 233 First Aid 3 HPE 221 Into to HPEA 3 HPE 275 Officiating 3 ED 292 PreProfess Sem 1 HPE 216 Individ Spts 3 HPE 130 OR 131 1 TOTAL 18 TOTAL 19 5th SEMESTER (FALL 6th SEMESTER (SPRING) 3rd SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs ED 333W Ed Psych 3 HPE 443 Mgn of HPEA 3 ED 381 Educ Tech 3 HPE 304 Elementary PE 3 HPE 300 Secondary PE 3 HPE 353W Phy of Exer 3 HPE 352 Kinesiology 3 HPE 378 Ath Training 3 HPE 226 Team Sports 3 ED 331 H&P of Am Edu 3 SRM 441 Outdoor Educ 3 ED 382 Prin of HS Edu 3 TOTAL 18 TOTAL 18 7th SEMESTER (FALL) 8th SEMESTER (SPRING) 4th SUMMER Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs Course Sem Hrs ED 401 Eval/ Teach/Lea 3 ED 484 Internship 12 ED 480W M&M/HS Tea 3 ED 478 Teaching Read 1 EEX 340 Into/Dis Student 3 HPE 450 Motor Learning 3 HPE 401 Adapted PE 3 TOTAL 16 TOTAL 12 TOTAL PROGRAM 136  COACHING AND OFFICIATING MINOR NAME:__________________________________ Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Student ID #:_____________________________ 301 Flowers Hall MAJOR:__________________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher certification MINOR:__Coaching and Officiating___________ in the state of Alabama. CATALOG YEAR:___________________________ APPROVED June 2009 REQUIRED COURSES Hrs Gr Sem HPE 233 First Aid 3 HPE 275 Officiating Sports 3 HPE 370Theory&Practicein Coach 3 HPE 371 Coaching Practicum 3 HPE 378 Ath Train & Conditioning 3 HPE 421 Psychology of Coaching 3 HPE 450 Motor Learning 3 TOTAL 21 Note: Prerequisites for any courses required for this minor must be met BEFORE enrolling in the courses.  COMMUNITY RECREATION MINOR NAME:__________________________________ Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Student ID #:_____________________________ 301 Flowers Hall MAJOR:__________________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher certification MINOR:__Community Recreation__________ in the state of Alabama. CATALOG YEAR:___________________________ APPROVED June 2009 REQUIRED COURSES Hrs Gr Sem SRM 222 Intro to Sport& Rec Man 3 SRM 305 Market/Sport&Rec Act 3 SRM 310 Sp Fac & Event Manage 3 SRM 335 Inter of Cult & Nat Res 3 SRM 340 Com Rec & Tourism 3 SRM 341 Rec Program & Lead 3 One (1) additional course form the following: HPE 420 Health and Aging 3 HPE 424 Drugs in Am Society 3 HPE 466 Legal Issues & Risk Man 3 SRM 410 Manage of Sp & Rec Org 3 SRM 441 Outdoor Education 3 SRM 444 Rec for Special Pops 3 TOTAL 21 Note: Prerequisites for any courses required for this minor must be met BEFORE enrolling in the courses.  EXERCISE SCIENCE MINOR NAME:__________________________________ Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Student ID #:_____________________________ 301 Flowers Hall MAJOR:__________________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher certification MINOR:__Exercise Science__________________ in the state of Alabama. CATALOG YEAR:___________________________ APPROVED June 2009 REQUIRED COURSES Hrs Gr Sem HPE 175 Essent of Healthy Living 3 *HPE 352 Kinesiology 3 *HPE 353W Phys of Exercise 3 HPE 360 Intro to Fitness Testing 3 HPE 402 Exercise Rx/ Healthy 3 HPE 403 Essentials Rx Resist Train 3 One (1) additional course form the following: HPE 351 Chron Disesase&Hea Pro 3 HPE 404 Exer Rx/Chronic/Disab 3 HPE 405 Exercise Leadership 3 HPE 430 Behavior Mod Intervent 3 HPE 494 Exer RX/Moderate Risk 3 HPE 495 Prins ECG& CardioAssm 3 HPE 496 Cardiopulmonary Rehab 3 TOTAL 21 Note: Prerequisites for any courses required for this minor must be met BEFORE enrolling in the courses. * BI 101 OR BI 111 and BI 102 OR BI 112 are prerequisites for BI 241, Human Anatomy and Physiology I and BI 242, Human Anatomy and Physiology II. BI 241and BI 242 are prerequisites to HPE 352, Kinesiology, and HPE 353W Physiology of Exercise.  FITNESS MANAGEMENT MINOR NAME:__________________________________ Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Student ID #:_____________________________ 301 Flowers Hall MAJOR:__________________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher certification MINOR:__Fitness Management______________ in the state of Alabama. CATALOG YEAR:___________________________ APPROVED June 2009 REQUIRED COURSES Hrs Gr Sem HPE 175 Essent of Healthy Living 3 HPE 225 Nutrition & Human Perf 3 *HPE 352 Kinesiology 3 *HPE 353W Phys of Exercise 3 HPE 402 Exercise Rx/ Healthy 3 HPE 410 Health Promotion 3 HPE 430 Behavior Mod Intervent 3 TOTAL 21 Note: Prerequisites for any courses required for this minor must be met BEFORE enrolling in the courses. * BI 101 OR BI 111 and BI 102 OR BI 112 are prerequisites for BI 241, Human Anatomy and Physiology I and BI 242, Human Anatomy and Physiology II. BI 241 and BI 242 are prerequisites for HPE 352, Kinesiology, and HPE 353W Physiology of Exercise.  HEALTH MINOR NAME:__________________________________ Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Student ID #:_____________________________ 301 Flowers Hall MAJOR:__________________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher certification MINOR:__Health _________________________ in the state of Alabama. CATALOG YEAR:___________________________ APPROVED June 2009 REQUIRED COURSES Hrs Gr Sem HPE 175 Essentials/Healthy Living 3 HPE 213 Foundations of Health 3 HPE 233 First Aid 3 HPE 406 Human Sexuality 3 HPE 408 Consumer Health 3 HPE 424 Drugs in Am Society 3 HPE 443 Management of HPERA 3 TOTAL 21 NOTE: Prerequisites for any courses required for this minor must be met BEFORE enrolling in the course.  HEALTH PROMOTION MINOR NAME:__________________________________ Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Student ID #:_____________________________ 301 Flowers Hall MAJOR:__________________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher certification MINOR:__Health Promotion_________________ in the state of Alabama. CATALOG YEAR:___________________________ APPROVED June 2009 REQUIRED COURSES Hrs Gr Sem HPE 175 Essentials/Healthy Living 3 0R HPE 213 Foundations of Health 3 HPE 350 App Nutrition/Lifespan 3 HPE 351 Chron Disesase&Hea Pro 3 HPE 410 Health Promotion 3 HPE 420 Health and Aging 3 HPE 422 Public Health 3 HPE 430 Behavior Mod Interv 3 TOTAL 21 Note: Prerequisites for any courses required for this minor must be met BEFORE enrolling in the courses.  OUTDOOR RECREATION MINOR NAME:__________________________________ Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Student ID #:_____________________________ 301 Flowers Hall MAJOR:__________________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher certification MINOR:__Outdoor Recreation_______________ in the state of Alabama. CATALOG YEAR:___________________________ APPROVED June 2009 REQUIRED COURSES Hrs Gr Sem SRM 250 Wilderness First Rresp 3 SRM 330 Camp Leadership 3 SRM 335 Inter of Cult & Nat Res 3 SRM 345 Natural Resource Man 3 SRM 441 Outdoor Education 3 Two (2) additional courses form the following: HPE 202 Lifeguarding 3 HPE 203 Methods/Teach Aquatics 3 HPE 424 Drugs in Am Society 3 HPE 466 Legal Issues & Risk Man 3 SRM 341 Rec Program & Lead 3 SRM 444 Rec for Special Pops 3 SRM 450 Outdoor Leadership 3 SRM 451 Expedition Leadership 3 TOTAL 21 Note: Prerequisites for any courses required for this minor must be met BEFORE enrolling in the courses.  SPORT MANAGEMENT MINOR NAME:__________________________________ Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Student ID #:_____________________________ 301 Flowers Hall MAJOR:__________________________________ NOTE: This program of study DOES NOT lead to eligibility for teacher certification MINOR:__Sport Management_______________ in the state of Alabama. CATALOG YEAR:___________________________ APPROVED June 2009 REQUIRED COURSES Hrs Gr Sem SRM 222 Intro to Sp & Rec Man 3 SRM 240 Economics of Sport 3 SRM 300 Sport Finance 3 SRM 305 Market/Sp & Rec Act 3 SRM 310 Sp Fac & Event Man 3 SRM 315 Govern& Lead in Sport 3 SRM 320 Sport Communication 3 TOTAL 21 Note: Prerequisites for any courses required for this minor must be met BEFORE enrolling in the courses.  Curriculum The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation offers both undergraduate and graduate programs of study. At the undergraduate level, students may choose from the Bachelor of Science in Physical education with concentrations in Exercise Science, Fitness Management, Health Promotion, Recreation, or Sport Management or the Bachelor of Science in Education for P-12 Physical Education Teacher Education. At the graduate level, students may choose Master of Arts in Education for class A certification in teacher education or the Master of Arts in Health Promotion and Human Performance (which is currently under revision to become the Master of Science in Health and Human Performance). During the fall 2007 semester the faculty of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation began the process of reviewing its departmental undergraduate curriculum with the intent of making recommendations for curricula revisions that would reflect the latest professional standards, provide an updated series of learning opportunities for all students enrolled in curricular options/concentrations in departmental majors, reduce redundancy in course offerings, including combination 400/500 level courses, and provide opportunities for creation of new concentrations and minors reflective of current career options for students majoring in physical education. This review and revision process culminated in the spring 2008 semester with approval by the departmental faculty of significant curricular revisions impacting all aspects of academic offering within the department. Requests for curriculum revision were then forwarded to the university Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for approval and eventually to the Alabama Commission of Higher Education. Final approval was received from ACHE in summer 2009 and the curriculum revisions implemented beginning in fall 2009. These curricular revisions impacted both the Bachelor of Science in Education and the Bachelor of Science in Physical Education. Since periodic revisions had occurred in the Bachelor of Science in Education in order to remain current with state standards required for teacher certification, few revisions were required in this curriculum. However, it had been over thirty years since a significant revision of the Bachelor of Science in Physical Education had occurred so more extensive revisions were required. Specific curriculum revisions approved and implemented include the following: Revision of course requirements in Areas V for the major. Revision of courses required for the major core. Change of terminology from options to concentrations. Elimination of a required minor for all concentrations. Elimination of the general option. Creation of a new concentration in Sport Management. Creation of new courses in Exercise Science, Health Promotion, Recreation, and Sport Management reflective of national standards and career expectations. Creation of required internship experiences for all concentrations. Revision of current departmental minors and creation of new minors in Coaching and Officiating, Exercise Science, Fitness Management, Health, Health Promotion, Outdoor Recreation and Sport Management. In addition to the changes listed above, the department also received approval to change departmental course prefixes, renumber and change course titles, inactivate selected courses, change prerequisites requirements, and adjust credit hours for selected courses. During the fall 2009 semester the graduate faculty of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation began the process of reviewing its departmental graduate curriculum with the intent of making recommendations for curriculum revisions that would provide an updated series of learning opportunities for all students enrolled in the degree program, reduce redundancy in course offerings, including combination 400/500 level courses, and provide opportunities for creation of concentrations reflective of current career options for students seeking a graduate degree in the health, physical education and related disciplines. This review and revision process resulted in development of a series of curriculum revision request which were forwarded to the appropriate university committees. Approval for all requested revisions has been approved at the university level and final approval is now pending from the Alabama Commission of Higher Education. This curriculum revision is significant and is reflected in the series of proposed changes that will result in the inactivation of the current Master of Arts in Health Promotion and Human Performance and the creation of a new Master of Science in Health and Human Performance with concentrations in Wellness and Health Promotion, and Kinesiology. The proposed graduate program would be reduced from the current thirty-three credit hours to thirty credit hours and provide thesis and non-thesis options. These proposed curriculum changes also represent a realignment of departmental resources with the intent of providing an academically sound and competitive graduate degree curriculum. Specific curriculum revisions approved and planned for implementation include the following: Inactivation of the current Master of Arts in Health Promotion and Human Performance. Creation of a new Master of Science in Health and Human Performance with concentrations in Wellness and Health Promotion, and Kinesiology. Creation of new departmental graduate courses. Number and title changes for some existing graduate courses. Inactivation of some existing graduate courses. Associated Institutes and Centers This section is not applicable to this department. Involvement of External Constituents Involvement of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation with external constituents is limited at this time. Such involvement mainly occurs through student placement in local public schools for student teaching internship experiences. A limited number of students are involved in non-teaching internships with external constituents such as the Kilby School, Bone and Joint Clinic , Florence Parks and Recreation Department, and more recently Teledyne Brown in Huntsville. While external constituent involvement relative to student teaching internships are expected to remain constant into the future, involvement with external constituents for non-teaching major is expected to increase as all majors are required to complete an internship as part of their undergraduate program of study. Community College Articulation In validating academic credits previously earned, the adheres to specific policies and procedures regarding transfer of courses from other colleges and universities in the State of Alabama. Mandated by the Alabama Legislature in 1994, the Statewide Transfer and Articulation Reporting System (STARS Program) and the Articulation and General Studies Committee (AGSC) provides a system of course equivalency between public universities and community colleges in the state. The STARS Program, which includes a web-based database allows students and university personnel to efficiently identify courses needed to satisfy program requirements preventing loss of course credit hours upon transfer while facilitating graduation in a timely manner. For transfer of course credit from colleges and universities outside Alabama, the Office of the Registrar determines course equivalency and records appropriate transfer credit on the students transcript which in turn is available to faculty for program of study evaluation and advisement. Program Productivity (including number of majors and degrees conferred) See Statistical Overview. 10. Program Evaluation Assessing Student learning Outcomes and Continuous Improvement Plan See Goals and Objectives of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation and Assessment or Program Goals, Objectives, and Student Learning Outcomes Grade Distribution Patterns Grade distributions for the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation for the years 2004-2009 are provided below and include grades for both undergraduate and graduate courses. Grades in these tables include only A, B, C, D, F, I, W, WP, and WF so the resulting totals do not reflect the total number of students enrolled in courses during the reporting period. No attempt has been made to different between non-major and major courses or undergraduate and graduate courses so the grade distribution is not reflective of any of these specific areas. Grade Distribution Pattern by Courses 2004 COURSEABCDFIWWPWFHED 15545146160701HED 21392316560001HED 3426510000000HED 406393000200HED 408334100000HED 42411214000100HED 430010000010HED 4981150000000HED 499001000000HED 506002000000HED 508000100000HED 510310000000HED 524100000000HED 740010000010PE 102148461121302330PE 1051574680601840PE 10663231030700PE 10833163140200PE 1102821020200PE 112662000200PE 1192141240920PE 1201010000110PE 1234571010310PE 1251651000100PE 1308101000220PE 13113100000310PE 14088136030810PE 1421500000000PE 221113014750500PE 233518810020600PE 2701723210100PE 27531251030200PE 3001900000100PE 304600000000PE 3411340000000PE 343600010000PE 3451350000000PE 35271111330110PE 353111110510000PE 370585020000PE 3711001020220PE 37884810010200PE 40120149130100PE 402241100100PE 421330000000PE 425651200300PE 441831140000PE 425651200300PE 441831140000PE 44327141100100PE 445102210200PE 4504410000100PE 4511273100100PE 494201000000PE 498260010000PE 499421200000PE 510042110000PE 521300000000PE 525250020000PE 5301120000000PE 543100000000PE 550300000000PE 594230000000PE 600243110100PE 6211330000000PE 634530000000PE 690671000000PE 740800000000TOTAL117163816546860125202GRAND TOTAL 2253 Grade Distribution Pattern by Courses 2005 COURSEABCDFIWWPWFHED 15549122240400HED 213261812550300HED 3426790020000HED 40661112100000HED 4082104000100HED 422110000000HED 42414490000600HED 498610000000HED 499100100000HED 506020000100HED 522132010100HED 524101000100HED 595100000000HED 606110000000PE 10213040621501930PE 1051412792901700PE 10665141030900PE 10845245040900PE 1103880020700PE 112600000000PE 11936431601200PE 1234460020200PE 1252690000300PE 13010184100400PE 1311172020400PE 140681651201100PE 1424410000200PE 2212216101210800PE 233121788240600PE 2701873100200PE 27512178410300PE 3001800010100PE 304800000000PE 341621010200PE 3431010000000PE 3451041200010PE 3529102530300PE 35311106310000PE 370648200000PE 3719112010100PE 37819465020200PE 401241817510200PE 4021385000100PE 421171000000PE 425668810200PE 441243100100PE 44333163000200PE 4507376020100PE 451585610800PE 490341110 100PE 495200000100PE 496200000000PE 498530000000PE 499721000000PE 502241000000PE 521140000000PE 525520000000PE 541120000000PE 543100000000PE 550100000000PE 595120000200PE596761000100PE 598400000100PE 606561000100PE 611671000000PE 634440000000PE 6608180000200PE 690310100000TOTAL12806661766978017010GRAND TOTAL 2440 Grade Distribution Pattern by Courses 2006 COURSEABCDFIWWPWFHED 15539248760900HED 213152516260500HED 3426273000100HED 4061372200100HED 408724220200HED 410230000200HED 42425206210100HED 430101000000HED 498640000000HED 499310000000HED 502410000000HED 506100000000HED 510400000000HED 524300000000HED 525350000000HED 530310000000HED 551100000000HED 621330000200HED 660100000000HED 690100000000PE 10210740184901000PE 1051662792802200PE 10677192020900PE 108361250201400PE 1104380010000PE 112400010000PE 119401121501500PE 1233592000300PE 12532160010700PE 1307114000100PE 13111102010500PE 140803541401200PE 1422010010000PE 221251710720800PE 233130747150700PE 2701512100500PE 27520224130500PE 3001910000200PE 304800000100PE 341852110100PE 343610000000PE 34511115000100PE 3521312171030600PE 35314167000100PE 370523010100PE 3711236000300PE 378224010010200PE 3791100000000PE 40122138320500PE 402882000400PE 421436100000PE 4251849620400PE 441331110000PE 44310173140300PE 445112010100PE 4508303000000PE 451984200200PE 494400000100PE 498480000000PE 499331000000PE 502210000100PE 510921000000PE 521100000000PE 525130020000PE 530921000000PE 541001000000PE 550100000000PE 551010000000PE 594481000000PE 600230000100PE 6011930010000PE 6211112010000PE 660220000000PE 690530000000PE 740812000000TOTAL13426352085880018600GRAND TOTAL 2509 Grade Distribution Pattern by Courses 2007 COURSEABCDFIWWPWFHED 155312710440700HED 213201610210600HED 34256141000000HED 406776000200HED 4081365120200HED 410300000000HED 42427136100200HED 430200000100HED 4981030000000HED 499100000000HED 502310000000HED 508200000000HED 510400000000HED 530230000000HED 596200000000HED 598100000000HED 600110000000HED 606010000000HED 634100000000HED 660100000000HED 690400000000PE 102104409101202100PE 1051262451402100PE 1067762040800PE 10838171010200PE 1102850000500PE 112730000000PE 1194394060600PE 1233740030300PE 1253180020500PE 13026111010100PE 13114100010600PE 14088212030600PE 1421600010200PE 202342000000PE 221232210320200PE 2331217111040600PE 2701773000400PE 27524121220400PE 3002531000300PE 3041210000000PE 341670000000PE 345392000300PE 35219118500200PE 35316166320100PE 3702200000200PE 371630000100PE 37822421010300PE 379500000100PE 40123116120100PE 40211134000000PE 421151100000PE 4255107310300PE 441366010000PE 44327194220000PE 444700000000PE 45014271010200PE 45119127200300PE 478910000100PE490021100300PE 494603010000PE 495840010100PE 4961110000000PE 498541000200PE 499900000000PE 502330000000PE 510641000100PE 525310000000PE 530532000100PE 551210000000PE 594221000000PE 595640000000PE 596800000000PE 598001000000PE 600661000100PE 606892000100PE 634810000000PE 660320000000PE 690530000000PE 770421000300TOTAL13776141574265016100GRAND TOTAL 2416 Grade Distribution Pattern by Courses 2008 COURSEABCDFIWWPWFHED 155271445100710HED 21332128250300HED 3426640000000HED 406684220200HED 408532200000HED 42422218100110HED 430020000000HED 4981101000000HED 499110000000HED 524311000000HED 525100000000HED 530200000000HED 594200000000HED 595100000000HED 596200000000HED 598200000000HED 600030000000HED 606300000000HED 621100000100HED 638160000000HED 660440000000HED 690210000000HED 710020000000PE 1021243115514012100PE 1051651981711491PE 10676140030210PE 108353011330550PE 1103140030010PE 1192653150521PE 1234521011100PE 1253830020500PE 13017144020100PE 13115111110600PE 140902541101010PE 202510000100PE 221141819970606PE 2331117727202410PE 2702082250300PE 27532144230210PE 3001020010000PE 3041510000000PE 340215330100PE 345820000100PE 35261213920310PE 3535128500100PE 3701590000300PE 37114173020120PE 37873516010200PE 40121146500200PE 4021061000000PE 4211230000000PE 425593110210PE 441256032301PE 425593110210PE 441256032301PE 44327182010200PE 444910000000PE 445120000000PE 45010104000000PE 45118104000100PE 494031000000PE 4981160000000PE 4991651200000PE 502310000010PE 510430000000PE 525100020000PE 530500000000PE 551200010000PE 594511000000PE596200000100PE 600210000200PE 606350000000PE 621510000000PE 634610000000PE638321000200PE 660820000000PE 690320000000PE 710320000100TOTAL1324576211659581243910GRAND TOTAL 2452 Grade Distribution Pattern by Courses 2009 COURSEABCDFIWWPWFHED 15526107140721HED 21310121230110HED 3423370100000HED 4085103520000HED 420000100100HED 42412155020210HED 498210001000HED 502100000000HED 524300000000HED 598200000000HED 600010000000HED 638300000000HED 740010000000HPE 102 45192034310HPE 10565193073811HPE 1063290010110HPE 1082650110330HPE 1102700010400HPE 119670101100HPE 1232310020110HPE 1252240000200HPE 1301161000000HPE 131821021000HPE 140 4345200610HPE 17542146470000HPE 2132366210100HPE 22131310290403HPE 225893050300HPE 23336448305300HPE 270950000000HPE 2759115123000HPE 3042110000000HPE 3423030000000HPE 3527320000010HPE 353474312000HPE 3701810001000HPE 371 320000000HPE 378 1130000000HPE 401963110000HPE 402544100000HPE 406957310000HPE 410135200100HPE 4241175110000HPE 430210000000HPE 4431820000100HPE 4501110000100HPE 45111114001000HPE 494332100000HPE 498310000000HPE 502510000000HPE 506300000000HPE 510210000000HPE 524010000000HPE 530910000000HPE 551010000000HPE 594050100000HPE 598200000000HPE 606590000000HPE770110001000PE 10274192181350PE 10593175190620PE 1064282010420PE 10816164020040PE 1101841020300PE 119342000010PE 1232210010110PE 1252000010100PE 1301900000000PE 1311620000100PE 1403781110210PE 202320010000PE 2214911630300PE 233325714050120PE 270962250220PE 2751294010100PE 3001201100000PE 345420000110PE 3522102430320PE 353101112000210PE 371362000000PE 37861316010100PE 40121105020110PE 402820110010PE 4211112000000PE 425710000300PE 44314132100010PE 444910000000PE 4501385020000PE 451752100300PE 490110000100PE 495 310000000PE496620000010PE 498620000010PE 499300000000PE 502010000000PE 525010000000PE 544220000000PE 551100000000PE 596200000000PE 600351000000PE 638530000110PE 660430000100PE 690341000000PE 740942000000TOTAL1314642201581052499435GRAND TOTAL 2491 GRADE DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES: 2004-2009 YEAR A B C D F I W WP WF2004 52%28.3%7.3% 2% 3.8% 0% 5.5% .9% .09%200552.5%27.3%7.2% 2.8% 3.2% 0% 7%<.01% 0%200653.5%25.3%8.3% 2.3% 3.2% 0% 7.4% 0% 0%2007 57%25.4%6.5% 1.7% 2.7% 0% 6.7% 0% 0%2008 54%23.5%8.6% 2.7% 3.9% .3% ,51% 1.6% .4%200952.7%25.8%8.1% 2.3% 4.2% 1% 4% 1.7% .2%AVERAGE53.6%25.9%7.7% 2.3% 3.5%.22% 5.2%.86%.12% Grade distributions in the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation have remained fairly consistent during this reporting period. The percentage of A grade assigned has ranged between 52% and 57% with an average of 53.6% for the reporting period. Percentage of B grades has ranged between 23.5% and 28.3% with an average of 25.9%. Percentage of C grades has ranged between 6.5% and 8.6% with an average of 7.7%. Percentage of D grades has ranged between 1.7% and 2.8% with an average of 2.3%. Percentage of F grades has ranged between 2.7% and 4.2% with an average of 3.5%. The percentage of I, W, WP, and WF grades assigned during this reporting period account for less that 10% of the total grades. 11. Program Recommendations Identify Recommendations for Improvement of the Program The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation is in a state of academic revision relative to both its undergraduate and graduate programs. It has been more than twenty years since a systematic approach has been taken in addressing the issue of curriculum revision in the department. In that time much has changed in the profession and the old concept of PE no longer holds true in todays job market. In order to facilitate needed changes in curricular updates, a fresh approach was required with the resulting impact of significant changes in the way the department conducts its business of academic preparation of majors. Basic issues needed to be addressed in the P-12 Teacher Education program but the most significant changes were required in the non-teaching curriculum. The process of addressing these needed curricular changes began in fall 2008 with the facultys commitment to undertaking a total revision of the non-teaching curriculum and developing a drastically revised program of study with new courses and program requirements. At this time the department is in the process of implementing these changes and moving ahead with additional revisions in its graduate programs. This process will continue through at least the next year and will require an additional two years for full implementation. In the meantime, additional adjustments in departmental policies and procedures will have to be developments and implemented to accommodate these curricular revisions. But it is important to realize and accept that once completed this curricular revision process and its spin-off effects are not an end. The process is cyclic and once completed and it must be evaluated and revised again as needed to achieve the desired outcomes. It is equally important to understand that a commitment to this process will require an assessment of institutional resources and an allocation of such resources to areas deemed most important to the university. If the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation is to reach its full potential, appropriate resources must be made available as indicated in this document. If it is beyond the limits of the university to provide these resources, then direction must be provided to the department as to the limits of growth and expansion expected and acceptable.   ! " # % & ) , ^ ˹܈zl[I5&h:zh5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ#h:zh5CJOJQJ^JaJ h:zh_*CJOJQJ^JaJh_*CJOJQJ^JaJhRCJOJQJ^JaJ h:zhRCJOJQJ^JaJ h{5>*CJ OJQJ^JaJ h:z5CJ OJQJ^JaJ #h:zh5CJ OJQJ^JaJ h:zhCJ OJQJ^JaJ h:zhCJOJQJ^JaJ#hh#kCJH*OJQJ^JaJ"Zijkl  ! 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